Become a Member
Membership Information
Yearly Dues:
Singles: $30.00
Couples: $30.00
Meetings are held from September through June on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Leesburg Community Center in the Griffin Room.
The Leesburg Community Center is located at the corner of Dixie and Canal. Enter on Canal (by the Ball Park and Marina entrance – you will see the Marina sign at the street corner). Our regular meetings usually include a business meeting, a guest speaker, refreshments, show-and-tell plants and/or supplies for sale. December and June meetings include a covered dish buffet with meats provided by the Society. At each monthly meeting, we will have a silent auction for donated orchids. If you would like to donate an orchid, please bring it with you, plus some extra cash to bid on one of these beauties!
Each fall, an auction is conducted as a fund-raiser. Members who contribute plants get a share of the sales price. A potting clinic is held yearly at a nearby business, also a fund-raiser.
Orchid books are available to check out by members at each meeting. The Society has many knowledgeable, experienced members who are happy to share information with newcomers.
Dues are $30 for singles, $30 for couples, with the membership year beginning in September.